Two and Three Classroom

The 2-3 classroom ranges in age from 24 months to about 42 months. This classroom is all about a child’s emerging independence. The students are perfecting putting on their shoes, potty training and following two-step instructions. They also enjoy designing and setting up the seashell garden on the playground and painting their own planets that decorate the classroom.

Number of Two’s and Three’s: 10

Teachers: 2

Price: $355 a week



    • Students learn to count to 30
    • Circle time includes recognition of days of the week and months of the year
    • Spanish lessons include numbers, colors and simple greetings.
    • Students begin practicing with scissors and holding pencils for pre-writing skills
    • Color and shape recognition are mastered
    • Potty training is mastered
    • Independence skills – such as putting on coats and shoes – are emphasized
    • Technology time introduced with limited use of electronic tablets for some learning activities.

Mastery List

    • Counting to 30
    • Number recognition
    • Exposure to simple computer use
    • Following two-step directions
    • Learning the days of the week and months of the year.